The Ignorance of Experts

Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.
-Richard Feynman

The COVID-19 mania started with the WHO and Imperial College London. An entire book should be written on how wrong all of these “experts” got it. First, I will show junk science courtesy of the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team.

All of these counterfactual models assume a lot. Here is the great predication of this report- 2.2 million dead in the US by June 2020.

It is hard to say how this moment will be viewed by future generations. I hope historians will get it correct. I hope the book  “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds” will be updated to include this episode. I hope historians will tell the number of people that no longer got cancer screening and died. The people who lost everything. The amount of suicides and drug overdoses.
The answer to this was simple. Let people voluntarily decide what they were willing to risk. People that were scared can stay home. The government is not nuanced. It is a blunt instrument.
Human beings and experts have been wrong many times, by vast amounts, and with catastrophic results. This is the one certainty from reading the history of mankind. Yet, many people today have a fetish with “science”. They believe it is some all knowing field, never to be questioned. Thomas Kuhn’s great book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, has shown this is not true.

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