The Most Unimportant Election in Our Life Time

It is election season in the US. You will read stories. Lots of them. Ninety nine percent of them will tell you that this election will be the most important in our life time. I am going to bring some balance to this discussion. I am going to show you that this is all nonsense. I start off with a discussion of the “untouchables”.

I found this graph on Wikipedia.

The untouchables account for almost 85% of government outlays. From president to president, from congress to congress, you see almost no change in the outlays. What observation can be made about the above chart? The welfare state from the 1960’s to present is consuming more and more. The warfare state is loosing its share of the pie. When it comes to the welfare state vs the warfare state, I assure you, the welfare state is going to win out. Grandma votes. She wants her paycheck. Telling Grandma she is going to get less of a piece of the pie, so that US soldiers can fight five hundred cave dwellers seven thousand miles away won’t pass muster.
Here are a few predictions I will make.
1-No matter who becomes president in 2020, the federal outlay chart will only change marginally, if at all.
2-No one in congress, the white house or during the presidential debates, will dare mention that any of these programs should be scaled back. This is political suicide.
3-No one in the MSM or the alternative media will mention any of this.
4- The bureaucracies, which account for the other 15% of federal outlays, will continue to publish unreadable laws. They do not care who wins the presidency.

The political divide in this country is over rhetoric. There is nothing of substance that people disagree on. There is nothing at stake. It does not matter who the president is or which party has a majority in congress. Congress doesn’t even pass that many laws. The administrative state pumps out unreadable laws. The only thing that is going to stop Leviathan is when the checks from Washington D.C. start bouncing.

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