Amazon: Using the Levers of Power

Amazon has been attacked for not raising its minimum wage to $15 dollars per hour by government officials. Finally, Amazon did raise its minimum wage to $15 dollars per hour. It was hailed as a political victory.

At the same time Bernie Sanders was patting himself on the back, Bloomberg is reporting Amazon is eliminating monthly bonuses and stock awards for warehouse workers and other hourly employees. Some long term employees are saying they will be making less.
A quick search on indeed, shows that Amazon employees, with added benefits, were probably already making over $15 dollars per hour.

None of this matters to the left who are fueled by emotions.
As a side note, this raise is more likely do to a tight labor market and the results of market pressures. Not the loud mouths in DC.
Now, Amazon is lobbying the government to raise the minimum wage to $15 dollars per hour. Any small company that wants to go up against Amazon now has higher labor cost. This makes it difficult for new companies to come into the market and compete with Amazon. Amazon, of course, can absorb paying more to its employees. New companies just starting out will have a difficult time.
Corporations use the powers of government to stifle competition. When emotions trump logic this is the result.

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