School Shootings- A Trip Through Time

Below are the number of deaths due to school shootings since the 1800’s.

Number of school shooting incidents in the USA:

We see the amount of elementary and secondary school enrollment is about the same.

In other words, the added number of school shootings and deaths is not due to the increase in the amount of children.
It is interesting to see the jump in the 1990’s.
We live in a complex world. Trying to explain the increase is not going to be a simple answer. Culture definitely plays an important part in explaining it.
What I do know is this: A bunch of people in D.C. writing words on a piece of paper is not going to solve this issue or any other issue.
The public’s faith and belief in government legitimacy is astounding. If words on a piece of paper could make the world a better place we would all be living in a utopia right now.
Government’s are not going to protect your children. The public school system will not protect your children from school shootings to bullying. Parents still have full faith in the school system though. They send their children to the intellectual meat grinder to get an inferior education.

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