Short Soybean Oil

Soybean Oil looks to have broken down from a Symmetrical Triangle. I am short with a stop at 50 and a target at 44.

List of Trades for 2023

I am flat all markets. I will not take another trade until the new year. Below is a list of all my trades for 2023.

Symbol Position Date
AFL Long 1/6/23 73.42 1/9/23 72 -1.93%
AAPL Long 11/8/23 183 12/14/23 199.2 8.85%
AVGO Long 11/10/23 938.5 11/28/23 940 0.16%
CRWD Long 9/18/23 168.18 9/21/23 160 -4.86%
DBA Long 11/6/23 22.47 11/10/23 22.05 -1.87%
INTC Long 4/12/23 32 4/21/23 30.3 -5.31%
LPG Long 6/2/23 23.5 7/25/23 27.5 17.02%
MSI Long 11/6/23 302.5 12/14/23 327 8.10%
MU Long 5/22/23 65 6/8/23 65.13 0.20%
MU Long 12/8/23 74.97 12/21/23 85 13.38%
NFLX Short 8/17/23 407.25 8/23/23 425.15 -4.40%
SHOP Long 1/25/23 46.2 2/16/23 46.15 -0.11%
UGA Long 7/20/23 67 8/23/23 69.15 3.21%
Total Realized  Profit/Loss Stocks 32.44%
Symbol Position Date
6A Short 5/24/23 0.65405 6/1/23 0.6566 -0.39%
6A Short 10/3/23 0.633 10/5/23 0.6366 -0.57%
6A Long 11/20/23 0.655 12/15/23 0.655 0.00%
6B Short 3/8/23 1.186 3/10/23 1.203 -1.43%
6B Long 4/4/23 1.253 4/10/23 1.24 -1.04%
6B Short 9/5/23 1.2553 9/27/23 1.2132 3.35%
6C Long 6/15/23 0.75555 7/5/23 0.75335 -0.29%
6E Long 11/3/23 1.073 11/8/23 1.0691 -0.36%
6J Short 5/19/23 0.007266 7/7/23 0.0071125 2.11%
6L Short 1/3/23 0.1815 1/5/23 0.18485 -1.85%
6L Long 2/2/23 0.1994 2/5/23 0.1994 0.00%
6N Long 1/18/23 0.64995 1/19/23 0.64 -1.53%
6N Short 2/24/23 0.6167 3/1/23 0.62558 -1.44%
6M Long 1/19/23 0.05215 2/3/23 0.05218 0.06%
CL Short 3/16/23 69 3/27/23 72.6 -5.22%
CL Short 11/9/23 75.5 11/10/23 77 -1.99%
ES Short 12/14/22 4052 1/13/23 4019 0.81%
ES Long 6/2/23 4285 7/19/23 4600 7.35%
ES Long 8/30/23 4570 9/6/23 4500 -1.53%
ES Short 10/2/23 4320 10/10/23 4360 -0.93%
GC Long 4/4/23 2030 4/14/23 2009 -1.03%
GC Long 11/8/23 1988.2 11/10/23 1958.2 -1.51%
GC Long 11/30/23 2056 12/4/23 2091.9 1.75%
HE Long 6/16/23 80.8 6/29/23 80.9 0.12%
HG Long 1/8/23 3.9585 1/17/23 4.1345 4.45%
HG Short 5/12/23 3.73 6/1/23 3.728 0.05%
HG Long 7/31/23 3.97 8/11/23 3.9 -1.76%
HO Long 6/20/23 2.42 6/22/23 2.425 0.21%
KE Long 7/26/23 890 7/28/23 860 -3.37%
LE Long 1/4/23 157.575 1/6/23 156.725 -0.54%
LE Long 9/7/23 191.5 9/11/23 195.5 2.09%
MBT Short 12/16/22 16650 1/12/23 17532 -5.30%
MBT Long 3/14/23 26150 4/21/23 27680 5.85%
MBT Short 5/12/23 26600 5/26/23 26600 0.00%
MBT Long 10/27/23 34400 12/4/23 41000 19.19%
MNQ Short 10/25/23 14505 11/2/23 14855 -2.41%
NG Long 5/26/23 2.382 6/1/23 2.235 -6.17%
NG Long 7/20/23 2.729 7/27/23 2.59 -5.09%
NKD Long 4/14/23 28550 5/4/23 29025 1.66%
NKD Short 8/21/23 31700 8/23/23 31970 -0.85%
NKD Long 9/14/23 33225 9/15/23 33130 -0.29%
PL Long 12/29/22 1068 1/5/23 1068.5 0.05%
PL Long 1/4/23 1070 1/5/23 1070 0.00%
PL Long 9/21/23 925 10/2/23 915 -1.08%
PL Long 12/15/23 970 12/18/23 962 -0.82%
RB Long 4/12/23 2.78 4/17/23 2.7854 0.19%
RB Short 5/4/23 2.3 5/5/23 2.35 -2.17%
RTY Long 1/31/23 1937 2/9/23 1937.2 0.01%
RTY Long 7/14/23 1940 7/27/23 1968 1.44%
SR3 Short 5/23/23 95.77 6/23/23 95 0.80%
SR3 Short 8/21/23 95.715 8/31/23 95.835 -0.13%
UB Short 8/1/23 130.3125 8/28/23 125.8 3.46%
ZB Long 4/6/23 134.3125 4/10/23 132.3125 -1.49%
ZB Short 5/18/23 128.34 5/31/23 128 0.26%
ZC Short 4/21/23 555 4/28/23 528 4.86%
ZC Long 6/14/23 544 6/23/23 613 12.68%
ZC Short 9/18/23 471 9/20/23 480 -1.91%
ZC Long 10/19/23 504 10/23/23 492 -2.38%
ZC Short 11/10/23 478.25 11/13/23 489 -2.25%
ZL Short 3/14/23 57 3/20/23 58.3 -2.28%
ZL Short 5/3/23 52.5 5/5/23 54 -2.86%
ZL Long 8/16/23 63 8/22/23 63.09 0.14%
ZL Short 9/22/23 58.5 10/12/23 52.53 10.21%
ZM Long 2/2/23 462 2/8/23 457 -1.08%
ZM Short 4/26/23 428 5/2/23 437 -2.10%
ZM Short 5/12/23 432 5/15/23 438 -1.39%
ZN Short 6/29/23 112.25 7/6/23 110.5 1.56%
ZN Long 11/17/23 109 11/22/23 109.15 0.14%
ZO Short 4/27/23 317 5/8/23 340 -7.26%
ZS Long 12/27/22 1510 1/3/23 1495 -0.99%
ZS Short 3/21/23 1468 3/23/23 1410.5 3.92%
ZS Long 7/17/23 1381 7/21/23 1390 0.65%
ZS Long 11/3/23 1337.25 11/9/23 1338 0.06%
ZT Short 10/18/23 101 10/20/23 101 0.00%
ZW Short 1/23/23 717 1/24/23 738 -2.93%
ZW Short 3/2/23 720 3/29/23 713 0.97%
ZW Short 4/26/23 657 5/5/23 655 0.30%
ZW Short 11/24/23 577.5 11/29/23 577.5 0.00%
Total Realized  Profit/Loss Futures 10.76%

Pattern Reliability for 2023

Win % Break Even% Loss% Total Trades
Rectangle 29% 22% 48% 30
Ascending Triangle 25% 25% 50% 12
Descending Triangle 18% 9% 73% 11
H&S Bottom 22% 44% 33% 9
H&S Continuation 20% 40% 40% 10
H&S Top 13% 38% 50% 8

Long Platinum

I took a very small long position in platinum. My stop is at 945 with a  target of 1060. My stop is very tight on this one. If it does not rally from here, then I do not want to be long.

MSI Pattern Completed

Rectangle pattern completed. I took profits. I still have a small long position. The rest of the stops are following the 14 DMA.

Long Micron

I am long MU with a stop at 72.5 and a target of 85. It is retesting its breakout from an ascending triangle.