Tucker Carlson discussed the recent activity of YouTube pulling down a video. The video shows doctors criticizing the lock down policy. The doctors are asking sensible questions. YouTube executives do not like sensible questions. Take a look.
Carlson believes we are entering into a totalitarian tech dystopia. This is good rhetoric. It is also good for getting viewers. But it is far from reality.
First, imagine this event was happening 40 years ago. Would we have ever known about this video? Would we have ever gotten a chance to see it? No. The four oligarchs of the media would have shielded it from the public.
Second, I just went on YouTube and searched “Dr. Erickson full video”. The full video can still be found. Trolls keep uploading the video over and over again. It has been copied to millions of computers. People everywhere are posting it on their websites. See this link. What this tells me is that YouTube can not even stop the video from being uploaded on its own platform. This shows how powerless they are. There are to many videos being uploaded on YouTube. To many memes. To many tweets. To many Facebook post. To many links to other sites. No algorithm can stop this without destroying the platform. These platforms only can act after a video has gone viral. This is similar to closing the barn door after the horses are already out.
All of these platforms have opened up free postings to billions of people around the world. They can express their opinion for zero dollars. This has given a voice to brilliant people as well as kooks. They overwhelm political leftism. We are already seeing alternatives to these platforms that promote free thought. It is amazing to see how short sighted YouTube is. If they push to hard, they will destroy the company.
Political leftist are the heads of most of these companies. They do not like dissent. However, they are bringing about the greatest advancement in freedom the world has ever seen. There is almost a funny irony to all of this. They are bringing about a world that is undermining their ideology. The reality is this: I only heard about this video because it was banned. I took me a whole 20 seconds searching online to find the full video. This is not totalitarianism. This is the exact opposite.