A Tale of Two Metals

Buy low. Sell high. Simple enough, no? Palladium is going parabolic. Take a look.

These types of moves usually go a lot higher before they end. A price of $1800 could be reached before this bull run is over. This is about the time you hit the “sell” button on Palladium.
On the other hand, Platinum gets no love.

There are a hand full of times in history where Platinum trades at a discount to Palladium.
South Africa accounts for about 80% of Platinum production. The South African government, at the direction of the people, is going into land confiscation mode. If you are looking for a low entry point and don’t mind holding it for a while this is the time to buy. A time will come to sell Platinum. It will start to look like the price action in Palladium.