A Message From One Criminal to Another

You have committed hundreds of felonies this year. The book “Three Felonies a Day” and “Go Directly to Jail” detail this issue. The CFR is about 150,000 pages last time I checked (2013). Below is one of these laws reprinted to give you an idea of how it is written. (12CFR1.100-Indirect General Obligations).

“(a) Obligation issued by an obligor not possessing general powers of taxation. Pursuant to §1.2(b), an obligation issued by an obligor not possessing general powers of taxation qualifies as a general obligation of a State or political subdivision for the purposes of 12 U.S.C. 24 (Seventh), if a party possessing general powers of taxation unconditionally promises to make sufficient funds available for all required payments in connection with the obligation.”

From these little paragraphs in the CFR, come hundreds of pages of other regulatory guidelines on what this mean and how to follow it. Some of these laws have court cases which also interpret these laws. I have not even touched state and local laws. I have not even touched contradictions between state and federal laws. This is why it is impossible not to be a criminal in the eyes of the law. This is why when someone says, “it’s the law”, and you ask for specifics, you get a blank stare. No one bothers to read it. No one cares. No one can understand them.
The Federal Government goes after low hanging fruit. These are very wealthy individuals and corporations. Ninety-eight percent of the public is out of the view of the government. They do not have the time or resources to interpret the data they collect on individuals.
The Mueller probe proves that the federal government can put you in jail forever because you did not dot an “i” on some form you signed in 1995. This rarely happens though.
Jermone Corsi was put in the government cross-hairs. The first ten minutes of this video is worth watching on what the government can do to you.

Mistake 1:  He handed over all his information willingly. Make the bureaucracy follow the rules exactly. Make them work for the information they need. Bureaucrats do not like extra work. The less you give them, the better.
Mistake 2: He cooperated. He sat down and spoke with them. Always plead the fifth.
I don’t know the lawyer he is getting advice from, but he should be fired.
I disagree with commentators who tell us the United States is turning into George Orwell’s 1984 dystopia. This is the story line of the right wing. The exact opposite is happening. If the Federal Government ever started to target common people on a grand scale, the internet would shed light on this. Individuals would post YouTube videos and share their story on Facebook. Bureaucrats hate negative publicity. Over the years, this has already happened. This is why police now wear body cams. This is why ACORN no longer exist. The Mueller probe has low approval ratings among the public.  Jermone Corsi has the ability to post his video on YouTube for the public to see and decide for themselves. This was not possible 20 years ago. His story would have been filtered through the MSM and the message would have been lost. The Mueller  probe is one indictment away from a public relation disaster. The all seeing eye works both ways. It is working in the way of freedom.