The North Korean “Threat”

Trump wants a sit down with Kim Jong Un. This sent the neocons into hyper drive. They never met a war they didn’t like. They figure since the other US wars are going so great, we should add another one.
The idea that North Korea is a threat is absurd. Yet it has been catching headlines for over a decade. It is reminiscent about the Soviet Union “threat”. The Soviet Union was a basket case. Their economy was a disaster. Yet the US government thought the Soviet Union was an economic power house until the day before it dissolved.
If you pay close attention to South and North Korea government officials from non-US media outlets you will realize that North Korea is not a threat. The idea that North Korea will attack South Korea or the US is silly. The South Korean government actually sent humanitarian aid to North Korea when the United Nations put sanctions on North Korea.
Predication: Before this century is over North and South Korea will unite into one country.