Me, Worried?

Mr Stockman has an excellent article posted. It should be read from top to bottom. It has a lot of numbers and pretty graphs. To summarize in one sentence: The US government will have red ink from now until a default.
I agree with his assessment. Here is the difference:
He sees disaster. I see opportunity.
The US government will not be able to fund itself. This is a good thing. It will have to sell off assets to pay for grandpa’s prostate exam. Once it gets very bad, they will pull the plug on poor old grandpa. In other words, they will default on the sacred cows: Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security.
Here is our opportunity. The opportunity to capture the hearts and minds of the public. The opportunity to say “We were right. You were wrong”.

The right people will have to be in the right places to articulate the right ideas. Will we succeed? Probably not. The masses will blame the political party in charge. They will blame the president. They will blame everyone except themselves. They will not look in the mirror and write down what they see. A person who tried to vote themselves prosperity at the expense of others.  I call this theft by the majority. The masses call it democracy.
I am very optimistic about our small chance to capture the future. Our only weapons are to keep reading, keep writing, keep talking.